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Fit im Forschungsdatenmanagement – Workshop-Reihe im Herbstsemester 2024
Machen Sie sich und Ihr Forschungsprojekt fit mit unserem Workshop-Angebot zum Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement. Ab sofort können Sie sich für die Workshops im Herbstsemester 2024 anmelden. Weiterlesen
Die «RDM Guidelines» für ETH-Forschende kurz und verständlich erklärt
In mehreren Kurzvideos erklären wir Ihnen die wichtigsten Aspekte der «RDM Guidelines» schnell und unkompliziert – für eine gute wissenschaftliche Praxis und FAIRe Daten. Weiterlesen
Mit Wissen und Koffein gestärkt in den Sommer – die Coffee Lectures im Juni
Kein Durchblick im Open-Access-Dschungel? Ein Wirrwarr in der Literaturverwaltung? Fehlende Inspiration für die Ferienlektüre? Dann besuchen Sie unsere Coffee Lectures. Sie brauchen dafür nur 15 Minuten. Weiterlesen
Neueste Publikationen
Semi-Automatic Monitoring of Grain Size and Shape Evolution of Fluvial Pebbles Along the Middle Inaouène River, Northern Morocco
(2024)JOURNAL OF ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERINGDownstream pebble variability in river systems is assessed through various methods, with recent emphasis on efficient, time-saving semi-automatic processes involving photography and digital analysis. The Inaou & egrave;ne valley, however, lacked a comprehensive survey of its main channel using either manual or image-based methods. This study bridges this gap by combining both approaches to analyze the downstream evolution of surface ...Journal Article -
Inapproximability of Shortest Paths on Perfect Matching Polytopes
(2023)INTEGER PROGRAMMING AND COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION, IPCO 2023We consider the computational problem of finding short paths in the skeleton of the perfect matching polytope of a bipartite graph. We prove that unless P = NP, there is no polynomial-time algorithm that computes a path of constant length between two vertices at distance two of the perfect matching polytope of a bipartite graph. Conditioned on P not equal NP, this disproves a conjecture by Ito, Kakimura, Kamiyama, Kobayashi and Okamoto ...Conference Paper -
Compact Selective Opening Security from LWE
(2024)PUBLIC-KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY, PT IV, PKC 2024Selective opening (SO) security is a security notion for public-key encryption schemes that captures security against adaptive corruptions of senders. SO security comes in chosen-plaintext (SO-CPA) and chosen-ciphertext (SO-CCA) variants, neither of which is implied by standard security notions like IND-CPA or IND-CCA security.Conference Paper -
Closing the Efficiency Gap Between Synchronous and Network-Agnostic Consensus
(2024)ADVANCES IN CRYPTOLOGY, PT V, EUROCRYPT 2024In the consensus problem, n parties want to agree on a common value, even if some of them are corrupt and arbitrarily misbehave. If the parties have a common input m, then they must agree on m.Conference Paper -
Anamorphic Encryption, Revisited
(2024)ADVANCES IN CRYPTOLOGY, PT II, EUROCRYPT 2024An anamorphic encryption scheme allows two parties who share a so-called double key to embed covert messages in ciphertexts of an established PKE scheme. This protects against a dictator that can force the receiver to reveal the secret keys for the PKE scheme, but who is oblivious about the existence of the double key. We identify two limitations of the original model by Persiano, Phan, and Yung (EUROCRYPT 2022). First, in their definition ...Conference Paper