About Research Collection
The Research Collection is ETH Zurich's repository for publications and research data.
Institutional Publications Database
The Research Collection provides a comprehensive database of scholarly publications produced at ETH Zurich. It is the source for publication lists
- in ETH Zurich's academic reporting database Annual Academic Achievements,
- on ETH Zurich's websites maintained with AEM.
Feature highlights:
- Submit new references "with a single click" (via DOI request)
- Display of "Cited by" counts and Altmetrics
- Author identifiers (ORCID iDs)
- Continuous import of new references from Web of Science and Scopus
- Continuous enhancement and correction of metadata by professional librarians
- Can be connected to further systems via standardized interfaces
Open Access Repository
The Research Collection is the application to implement ETH Zurich's open-access policy. It allows members of ETH Zurich to publish scholarly works outside traditional publishing.
Feature highlights:
- DOIs for all publications, DOI reservation possible
- Up-to-date download statistics
- Display of journal copyright policies in the submission workflow
- Automatic embargo handling
- Indexed in Google Scholar and other search engines
- Connect publications with Grant IDs so they will be displayed in the European Commission's OpenAIRE portal
- Connection with ETH Data Archive provides for secure long term preservation of all publications
Research Data Repository
The Research Collection provides to members of ETH Zurich a publication platform and digital archive for all types of research output. In accordance with ETH Zurich's Guidelines for Research Data Management, research data can be
- published as standalone publication,
- published as supplementary material to a journal article, dissertation or other text publication,
- deposited to share with colleagues or external users on request.
Feature highlights:
- Flexible access rights
- DOIs for all published data, DOI reservation possible
- Automatic embargo handling
- Content preview for ZIP- and tar-containers
- Temporary retention of data for 10 or 15 years possible
- Up-to-date download statistics
- Connect research data with Grant IDs so they will be displayed in the European Commission's OpenAIRE portal
- Connection with ETH Data Archive provides for secure long term preservation of all research data publications up to 50 GB
Further information
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions as well as step-by-step instructions for important features can be found on the Research Collection Manual.
The Research Collection is certified by CoreTrustSeal.