This repository contains estimates for the glacier ice thickness distribution of all glaciers on Earth (excluding the polar ice sheets) as published in: Farinotti D., M. Huss, J.J. Fuerst, J. Landmann, H. Machguth, F. Maussion, and A. Pandit (2019). "A consensus estimate for the ice thickness distribution of all glaciers on Earth". Nature Geoscience. 12 (3), 168-173. DOI: 10.1038/s41561-019-0300-3 Citing the article is the only condition of use. The repository contains a series of compressed folders (.zip-files) providing (a) the ice thickness distribution of individual glaciers, (b) global grids at various resolutions with summary-information about glacier number, area, and volume, and (c) the digital elevation models of the glacier surfaces used to produce the estimates. Nomenclature for glaciers and regions follows the Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI) version 6.0. The following .zip-files are provided: 1) Contains the ice thickness distribution of all glaciers of the RGI as estimated by the ensemble of considered models. Ice thicknesses are given in meters. Download this .zip-file if you need the consensus results of all about 215,000 glaciers on Earth. 2) Contains the ice thickness distribution of all glaciers of RGI region "XX" (01 to 19) as estimated by the ensemble of considered models. Ice thicknesses are given in meters. Download a subset of these .zip-files if you need the consensus results for selected RGI regions. 3) Contains the ice thickness distribution as estimated by model "X" (1 to 5). Only glaciers considered by the corresponding model are provided, and the results are grouped into RGI regions. Ice thicknesses are given in meters. Download a subset of these .zip-files if you need the results of individual models. 4) Contains global-scale grids at 0.05-, 0.10-, 0.25-, and 0.50-degree resolution with information about (a) number of glaciers (unitless), (b) total glacier area (square kilometers), and (c) total glacier volume (cubic kilometers). The glacier volume information is based on the ensemble of considered models. Download this .zip-file if you need global-scale summary information. 5) Contains the digital elevation models (DEMs) of the glacier surfaces, as used during the calculations. The DEMs have the same extent and resolution as the corresponding ice thickness data, thus allowing for a subglacial topography to be computed (subtract the thickness from the surface DEM). Surface elevations are given in meters above sea level. Download this .zip-file if you need information beyond ice thickness. -> is missing in the collection mentioned above and is therefore uploaded separatly For question, please contact the corresponding author, Daniel Farinotti. --- end of file ---