This repository contains output files from the GERM model runs as presented in: L. Pruessner, M. Huss, M. Phillips, and D. Farinotti. "A framework for modelling rock glaciers and permafrost at the basin-scale in high Alpine catchments" This repository contains the following file structure: Distributed_10m_gT_ice: This folder contains distributed ground temperature (denoted “gT” in the file name) and ice contents (denoted “ice”) at 10m depth. File naming is as follows: - [Site]_ice_10_[YYYY].asc are spatially distributed ice contents (expressed as a volume fraction), - [Site]_gT_10_[YYYY].asc are spatially distributed ground temperature in degrees Celsius, where [Site] is one of the three sites (i.e. “Murtel”, “Ritigraben” or Schafberg”) and [YYYY] indicates the year. The included model results all refer to 1st October. The files are in ASCII grid format (see e.g. for details). Coordinates are given in the Swiss CH1903 / LV03 system. Ground_temperature_timeseries: This folder contains three files, one for each site: [Site]_gT_ts.csv where [Site] is one of “Murtel”, “Ritigraben” or Schafberg”. Each file contains the ground temperature timeseries for the entire modelling period at the borehole location, i.e. one vertical column of layers containing one temperature value per timestep for each layer of the grid cell in which the borehole is located. Temperatures are given in degree Celsius and depths (mid-point of each layer) are given in metres. These files are comma-separated values (csv). Runoff: This folder contains two types of files: - [Site]_runoff.csv - [Site]_permafrost.csv where [Site] is one of “Murtel”, “Ritigraben” or Schafberg”. The “_runoff” files contain the total runoff calculated for the given catchment. Annual (calendar year) and monthly (in mio cubic metres). Files denoted with “_permafrost” contain the water equivalent from daily ice volume changes (in cubic metres). These files are comma-separated values (csv).