% Here is a Matlab script to plot the two Wattmeters in stress-grain size % space from Tokle and Hirth (2021). clc; close all; clear all %% Deformation Conditions T = 900+273; % Temperature in K %fug = 5030; % Water fugacity in MPa P = 1.5e9; % pressure in Pa %% recrystallized grain size d = 10; %% Basic Parameters sigma = linspace(1,5000,1e3); % stress from 1 to 5000 MPa R = 8.314; % gas constant %% Flow law parameters (Tokle et al. 2019) n4 = 4; Q4 = 125000; r4 = 1; A4 = 1.75e-12; n3 = 3; Q3 = 115000; r3 = 1.2; A3 = 8e-13; %% Wattmeter parameters gamma = 1; beta = 1; c = 3.1416; lamda=0.015; % RMS grain size %lamda=0.04; % arithmetic mean grain size %% Water fugacity (Shinevar et al. 2015) AA1 = 5521; AA2 = 31.28e3; AA3 = -2.009e-5; f = AA1*exp(-(AA2+P.*AA3)/(R*T)); %% Grain growth parameters % Tokle Hirth 2020 p = 3; Qg = 134e3; rg = 1.38; Ag = 0.261; Kg = Ag*(f.^rg); %% wattmeter n = 4 edotdis4 = A4.*sigma.^n4.*f.^r4.*exp(-Q4./R./T); WM4 = (((Kg.*exp(-Qg./R./T).*p.^(-1).*c.*gamma)./((sigma).*lamda.*beta.*edotdis4)).^(1./(1+p))); %% wattmeter n = 3 edotdis3 = A3.*sigma.^n3.*f.^r3.*exp(-Q3./R./T); WM3 = (((Kg.*exp(-Qg./R./T).*p.^(-1).*c.*gamma)./((sigma).*lamda.*beta.*edotdis3)).^(1./(1+p))); %% Solving for stress (in MPa) with a known grain size (in um) % n = 4 k4 = (n4+1)./(p+1); r_4 = (rg-r4)./(p+1); Q_4 = (Qg-Q4)./(p+1); C4 = ((Ag.*c.*gamma)./(A4.*beta.*lamda.*p)).^(1./(p+1)); W4_stress = (d./(C4.*(f.^r_4).*exp(-Q_4./(R.*T)))).^(-(p+1)./(n4+1)) % n = 3 k3 = (n3+1)./(p+1); r_3 = (rg-r3)./(p+1); Q_3 = (Qg-Q3)./(p+1); C3 = ((Ag.*c.*gamma)./(A3.*beta.*lamda.*p)).^(1./(p+1)); W3_stress = (d./(C3.*(f.^r_3).*exp(-Q_3./(R.*T)))).^(-(p+1)./(n3+1)) % Stipp and Tullis (2003) ST03_stress = (d/3631)^(-1/1.26) % Cross et al (2017) [Sliding RMS] C17_stress = (d/10^4.22)^(-1/1.59) %% Plotting figure hold all % Cross (2017) sliding piezometer C17 = 10^4.22*(sigma.^-1.59); % plot(sigma,C17,'y','Linewidth',2); % Stipp and Tullis (2003) piezometer ST = 3631*(sigma.^-1.26); plot(sigma,ST,'k','Linewidth',2); % Wattmeter n = 4 plot(sigma,WM4,'r','LineWidth',2); % Wattmeter n = 3 plot(sigma,WM3,'b','LineWidth',2); %% Figure details box on pbaspect([1 1 1]) set(gca,'Xscale','log'); set(gca,'Yscale','log'); axis([10 5000 0.5 100]); xticks([10 30 100 300 1000 3000]); yticks([1 3 10 30 100 ]); set(gca,'fontsize',18); set(gca,'TickLength',[0.02, 0.01]) xlabel('Equivalent Stress (MPa)') ylabel('Grain size (um)') grid on