Title: Raw Data: Stochastic properties of static friction -- Part 6 Authors: Gabriele Albertini, Simon Karrer, Mircea D. Grigoriu, David S. Kammer Date: 2020/05/12 Description: The numerical simulations model the nucleation process of sliding along a frictional interface governed by a linear slip-weakening friction law. The interface is characterized by a stochastic heterogeneous strength profile. A uniform load is applied and slowly increased until global sliding occurs. The nucleation process occurs through the growth of localized slip patches that eventually become unstable and propagate dynamically across the entire interface. The characteristic length scale of the strength profile is varied. Part: This is part 6. It includes simulations with xi_0/hn = 0.5. This data is shown in Fig. 4 of Albertini et al., (JMPS, 2021). Data and File Format: Simulations are identified by a number refered to as the 'simid'. Each simulation contains various input files which contain the parameters for the simulation (file extension .in.txt) and the strength profile of the interface (file extension .random.txt). Simulation output are stored in HDF5 (file extension .h5). Each field is saved as a dataset inside the HDF5 file. The dataset name corresponds to the field name. If the field name ends with an integer, it indicates the vector component (0=x, 1=y, 2=z). Typically, each dataset is of two dimensions with [t,n] where t is dumpstep and n is a discrete point (e.g. node). The time of the dumpsteps can be accessed in the time field at [t,0]. The x coordinate of a node n can be accessed in the coord_0 field with [0,n]. The output were written from Python using h5py. Simulations: tar 1-5: some (but not all) simulations with xi_0/hn = 0.5: #simids 39 #simids 40, 41 #simids 42, 43, 44 #simids 45, 46 #simids 47 References: Albertini, G., Karrer, S., Grigoriu, M.D., Kammer, D.S. (2021). "Stochastic properties of static friction." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 147, p. 104242 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2020.104242