Group Year Title heatspreader T (°C) P(W) Efficiency (%) wl (µm) pump (µm) remarks M2 tuning OC rate Tampere 2006 1-W antimonide-based vertical external cavity surface emitting laser operating at 2-μm diamond 5 1 5.2 2.03 0.79 "v-cavity, etalon" no no 2 Fraunhofer 2007 Resonant optical in-well pumping of an (AlGaIn)(AsSb)-based vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser emitting at 2.35μm SiC -15 3 23 2.35 1.96 "etalon, absorbed pump, in-well pumped, QW arrangement for resonant pumping" no no 3.6 Fraunhofer 2008 "High-power, (AlGaIn)(AsSb) semiconductor disk laser at 2.0 µm" diamond -15 5 20 1.98 0.98 "v-cavity, etalon" yes yes 9-19.5 Tampere 2008 High-power and broadly tunable GaSb-based optically pumped VECSELs emitting near 2 µm diamond 10 4 17 1.97 0.98 "different QW thickness, tuning range 156 nm, v-cavity, etalon" no yes 1-2 Fraunhofer 2009 GaSb-Based Optically Pumped Semiconductor Disk Laser Using Multiple Gain Elements SiC 20 3.3 10 2.25 0.98 two gain elements in one cavity no no 3-6 Tampere 2009 GaSb-based compounds tailored for MID-IR disk lasers diamond 10 4 16 1.98 0.98 "etalon, pump modulation for ns pulses" no no 2 Fraunhofer 2010 "20W, Quasi-cw GaSb-based Semiconductor Disk Laser" diamond ? ? ? ? 0.905 "quasi cw, not comparable" no no ? Montpellier 2010 Technologies for thermal management of mid-IR Sb-based surface emitting lasers x 7 0.002 2.5 2.3 0.78-0.98 first-flip chip no no 0.2 Fraunhofer 2010 GaSb-based optically-pumped semiconductor disk lasers emitting in the 2.0-to-2.8 μm wavelength range SiC 20 3 10 2.25 0.98 dual gain cavities no no 3-5 Fraunhofer 2010 GaSb-based optically-pumped semiconductor disk lasers emitting in the 2.0-to-2.8 μm wavelength range SiC 1.98 single frequency no yes 3 Tampere 2011 GaSb-Based Semiconductor Disk Laser With 130-nm Tuning Range at 2.5 µm diamond 5 0.6 4 2.5 0.98 "etalon, worse M2 for more absorbed pump" 1.1-1.6 yes 1 Fraunhofer 2011 Continuous-wave room-temperature operation of a 2.8 μm GaSb-based semiconductor disk laser SiC 20 0.1 1.7 2.78 ? "up to 0.5 W pulsed, considerations about quantum efficiency" no no 0.7 Montpellier 2012 2.7-μm Single-Frequency TEM00 Low-Threshold Sb-Based Diode-Pumped External-Cavity VCSEL x 10 0.00017 0.2 2.7 0.83 "no direct M2 but divergence measurement, linewidth < 4 GHz, " no yes 0.5 Fraunhofer 2012 High-power 2.0 lm semiconductor disk laser—Influence of lateral lasing SiC 20 4.1 17 2.085 0.98 lateral lasing investigation no no 4 Fraunhofer 2013 "Recent Advances in 2-μm GaSb-Based Semiconductor Disk Laser—Power Scaling, Narrow-Linewidth and Short-Pulse Operation" - - - - - - "review paper, discussion about lateral lasing, active modelocking" Montpellier 2013 Thermal Management for High-Power Single-Frequency Tunable Diode-Pumped VECSEL Emitting in the Near- and Mid-IR x ? 0.011 4 2.3 0.98 "GaAs vs GaSb comparison, gain simulation, thermal resistance" no no 0.8-0.04 Fraunhofer 2013 Linewidth Narrowing and Power Scaling of Single-Frequency 2.X μmGaSb-Based Semiconductor Disk Lasers SiC -15 8 16 2.05 0.98 "etalon, single frequency study, stability, noise sources" 1.1-1.5 yes 1.5 Fraunhofer 2015 Recent Advances in Power Scaling of GaSb-Based Semiconductor Disk Lasers SiC -3 20 26.3 2 1.47 "Figure 7, double side heatspreader" Fraunhofer 2015 Recent Advances in Power Scaling of GaSb-Based Semiconductor Disk Lasers SiC 20 7 21 2.02 1.47 "review paper, power scaling, narrow linewidth, double side heatspreader, triple gain" Fraunhofer 2016 GaSb-based 2.0 μm SDL with 17 W output power at 20°C diamond 20 17 24 2.02 1.47 "etalon, comparison SiC and diamond, increased pump spot to 500um" no no 4 Fraunhofer 2016 GaSb-based 2.0 μm SDL with 17 W output power at 20°C SiC 20 Tampere 2017 Optically pumped VECSELs: Review of technology and progress - - - - - - "complete review paper, section about hybrid mirror" ETH 2021 High average output power from a backside-cooled 2-μm InGaSb VECSEL with full gain characterization x -10 0.81 5.4 2.04 1.47 gain characterization no no 0.5 ETH 2023 3-W output power from a 2-μm InGaSb VECSEL using a hybrid metal-semiconductor Bragg reflector x -10 3 12.5 2.06 1.47 hybrid-mirror VECSEL for power scaling no no 1.8 ETH 2022 "structure with pump DBR, unpublsihed" x -10 6 29.82 2.04 1.47 "no etalon, antiresonant structure"