Design of a stated-preference survey to analyze intermodal choice behavior of car sharing users
(2019)Conference Proceedings mobil.TUM 2019: Transportation Systems of the FutureOther Conference Item -
Designing 3D-printed deformation behaviors using spring-based structures: an initial investigation
(2017)UIST '17 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and TechnologyRecent work in 3D printing has focused on tools and techniques to design deformation behaviors using mechanical structures such as joints and metamaterials. In this poster, we explore how to embed and control mechanical springs to create deformable 3D-printed objects. We propose an initial design space of 3D-printable spring-based structures to support a wide range of expressive behaviors, including stretch and compress, bend, twist, and ...Other Conference Item -
Calibrating Novelty Metrics Using Human Raters: A Case Study
(2019)One of the key challenges facing the engineering design community is how to effectively measure the nebulous construct of design novelty. The community has adopted two vastly different approaches to solving this problem; a more quantitative approach that relies on feature-trees and a more subjective approach that uses human raters. The goal of this study was to identify a method for using human raters as a means of calibrating feature-tree ...Other Conference Item -
The Ecosystem Blueprint: Archetypes of Business Ecosystems and Recommendations for Design and Structure
(2018)Business Ecosystems are of growing significance in research and industry practice. Undoubtedly, they will change the way how managers perceive central aspects such as strategy, innovation, organization, and competition. Research in this field is still in its infancy with many works being purely conceptional, thus lacking empirical evidence and in-depth insights. As a consequence, there is still a lack of research on the question of how ...Other Conference Item -
Adaptive Time-Integration for Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain Simulations of Maxwell’s Equations
(2013)Book of Abstracts - Femtec 2013The discontinuous Galerkin (DG) approach has gained considerable attention as an efficient and accurate method for solving Maxwell’s equations in time-domain. Its ability to allow explicit time integration while offering a higher-order spatial discretization on unstructured meshes makes it a very attractive method for complex electromagnetic systems [1]. In order to match the accurate spatial discretization one typically also requires an ...Other Conference Item -
Simulation of Plasmonic Particles with MMP
(2013)Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 6. Reihe ~ DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DGP Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section with its DivisionsThe Multiple Multipole Program (MMP) is a Generalized Point Matching (GPM) method using analytical multipole expansions to solve Maxwell's equations in frequency domain. MMP is a well-established and highly flexible method for the simulation of photonic nanostructures. However, for three-dimensional systems it usually requires an experienced user to position the expansions and matching points in order to model the geometry accurately. ...Other Conference Item -
What is Network Science?
(2013)Network ScienceThis is the beginning of Network Science. The journal has been created because network science is exploding. As is typical for a field in formation, the discussions about its scope, contents, and foundations are intense. On these first few pages of the first issue of our new journal, we would like to share our own vision of the emerging science of networks.Other Conference Item -
Robotic assembly of hydrogels for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
(2014)Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative MedicineOther Conference Item -
Gecko-inspired composite microfibers for reversible adhesion on smooth and rough surfaces
(2019)Integrative and Comparative BiologyOther Conference Item