A hygrothermo-mechanical model for wood: part A. Poroelastic formulation and validation with neutron imaging COST Action FP0904 2010-2014: Thermo-hydro-mechanical wood behavior and processing
The correct prediction of the behavior of wood components undergoing environmental loading or industrial process requires that the hygrothermal and mechanical (HTM) behavior of wood is considered in a coupled manner. A fully coupled poromechanical approach is proposed and validated with neutron imaging measurements of moist wood specimens exposed to high temperature. This paper demonstrates that a coupled HTM approach adequately captures the variations of temperature, moisture content, and dimensions that result in a moist wood sample exposed to one-side heating. Mehr anzeigen
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Energy method; Finite element method (FEM); Heat and mass transport; Hygrothermal and mechanical (HTM) behavior; Neutron imaging; Poromechanics; TemperatureOrganisationseinheit
03806 - Carmeliet, Jan / Carmeliet, Jan
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