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- Working Paper
ETH Bibliographie
The recent shift in transport policy to emphasise travel demand management has directed the attention of transport planning research towards the dynamic processes in travel behaviour: learning and change on the one side and rhythms and routines on the other. Progress in the understanding of these proc- esses requires data over long durations, from observation or self-reports. The survey reported here provides for the first time in 30 years a data source suitable to address these issues. The project Mobidrive, funded by the German ministry of Research and Education, conducted a six- week continuous travel diary, with the aim to analyse the rhythms in the behaviour of the respondents. The paper describes the implementation and conduct of this travel diary survey, which was performed in Karlsruhe and Halle, two German cities of about 300'000 inhabitants, in the fall of 1999. A total of 317 persons over 6 years of age in 139 households participated in the main study. The description covers the development of the forms, the design of the survey protocol, the screening experiences (including participation rates) and an assessment of the data quality in terms of item/unit non-response and reporting fatigue. The paper closes with an outlook for the analyses planned by the project team. Mehr anzeigen
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publishedZeitschrift / Serie
Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und RaumplanungBand
IVT, ETH ZurichThema
Survey design; Travel behaviour; Mobidrive; Continuous six-week travel diary; Germany; Rhythm; Survey protocolOrganisationseinheit
02610 - Inst. f. Verkehrspl. u. Transportsyst. / Inst. Transport Planning and Systems03521 - Axhausen, Kay W. (emeritus) / Axhausen, Kay W. (emeritus)
02226 - NSL - Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft / NSL - Network City and Landscape
02655 - Netzwerk Stadt u. Landschaft ARCH u BAUG / Network City and Landscape ARCH and BAUG
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