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Understanding policy dynamics: Insights from policy design and policy feedback
(2022)Habilitation Thesis -
Team Reflection in Action Teams: Implications for Research and Practice
(2022)Habilitation Thesis -
Electro-Optical Memristors for Computing and Communication Applications
(2022)The increasing rates of data generation, collection, and transfer over collective networks - the Internet of Things (IoT) – are shaping an interconnected society progressively depends on the availability of efficient computing and communication systems. For the last 50 years, the evolution of computational architectures has been largely driven by Moore’s scaling law and the breakthroughs of the CMOS technology. However, the continuous ...Habilitation Thesis -
Nach der Natur: Der Frankfurter Flughafen und die Geschichte des Umweltwissens
(2021)Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht die Beziehung zwischen der Geschichte des Umweltwissens und der Entstehung von Infrastrukturen. Sie verbindet dafür drei Analyseebenen: den Flughafen, die Region und die politische Wissensgeschichte von Umwelt. Den grösseren Rahmen bilden aktuelle Debatten um das Anthropozän. Denn mit dem Flughafen und der Region kommen die von in der bisherigen Anthropozänforschung wenig beachteten meso scales des ...Habilitation Thesis -
Architecture in the Public Eye: Buildings, Words, and Images in Britain, 1800-1950
(2021)‘Architecture in the Public Eye’ examines the roles that words and images have played in the representation of cities and their buildings in a number of British illustrated media between the early 1800s and the mid 1900s. The research presented examines, on the one hand, how architecture was presented, explained and situated for the lay reader in newspapers and textbooks and, on the other, how the emerging genre of the architectural ...Habilitation Thesis -
Advanced Simulation Methods for unsteady turbulent reactive flows with emphasis on IC engines
(2021)Habilitation Thesis