Hydroxyl accessibility in wood by deuterium exchange and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy: methodological uncertainties
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- Journal Article
The accessibility of wood hydroxyls to water is commonly studied by infrared spectroscopy after deuteration where water-interacting hydroxyls have their H exchanged for D. In this study, the hydroxyl accessibility is determined with ATR-FTIR spectroscopy after deuteration of specimens with liquid D₂O. Several factors are examined to reveal the uncertainties involved in the accessibility determination. Despite the fact that specimens were able to interact with water vapour after deuteration and drying, producing a freshly cut surface just before measurement limited the effect of re-exchange of hydroxyls and gave for most batches reproducible results. Show more
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https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000191313Publication status
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Journal / series
Wood Science and TechnologyVolume
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Wood Species; Wood Specimen; Deuterium Exchange; Annual Ring Width; Sharp Razor BladeOrganisational unit
03917 - Burgert, Ingo / Burgert, Ingo
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