Close-to-touching acoustic subwavelength resonators: eigenfrequency separation and gradient blow-up
(2020)SAM Research ReportIn this paper, we study the behaviour of the coupled subwavelength resonant modes when two high-contrast acoustic resonators are brought close together. We consider the case of spherical resonators and use bispherical coordinates to derive explicit representations for the capacitance coefficients which, we show, capture the system's resonant behaviour at leading order. We prove that the pair of resonators has two subwavelength resonant ...Report -
Honeycomb-lattice Minnaert bubbles
(2018)SAM Research ReportThe aim of this paper is to rigorously show the existence of a Dirac dispersion cone in a bubbly honeycomb phononic crystal comprised of bubbles of arbitrary shape. The main result is an asymptotic formula for the quasi-periodic Minnaert resonance frequencies close to the symmetry points K in the Brilloun zone. This shows the linear dispersion relation of a Dirac cone. Our findings in this paper are illustrated in the case of circular ...Report -
Mathematical analysis of plasmonic resonances for nanoparticles: the full Maxwell equations
(2015)SAM Research ReportIn this paper we use the full Maxwell equations for light propagation in order to analyze plasmonic resonances for nanoparticles. We mathematically define the notion of plasmonic resonance and analyze its shift and broadening with respect to changes in size, shape, and arrangement of the nanoparticles, using the layer potential techniques associated with the full Maxwell equations. We present an effective medium theory for resonant plasmonic ...Report -
Subwavelength resonances of encapsulated bubbles
(2018)SAM Research ReportThe aim of this paper is to derive a formula for the subwavelength resonance frequency of an encapsulated bubble with arbitrary shape in two dimensions. Using Gohberg-Sigal theory, we derive an asymptotic formula for this resonance frequency, as a perturbation away from the resonance of the uncoated bubble, in terms of the thickness of the coating. The formula is numerically verified in the case of circular bubbles, where the resonance ...Report -
Bound states in the continuum and Fano resonances in subwavelength resonator arrays
(2021)SAM Research ReportWhen wave scattering systems are subject to certain symmetries, resonant states may decouple from the far-field continuum; they remain localized to the structure and cannot be excited by incident waves from the far field. In this work, we use layer-potential techniques to prove the existence of such states, known as bound states in the continuum, in systems of subwavelength resonators. When the symmetry is slightly broken, this resonant ...Report -
Wave interaction with subwavelength resonators
(2020)SAM Research ReportThe aim of this review is to cover recent developments in the mathematical analysis of subwavelength resonators. The use of sophisticated mathematics in the field of metamaterials is reported, which provides a mathematical framework for focusing, trapping, and guiding of waves at subwavelength scales. Throughout this review, the power of layer potential techniques combined with asymptotic analysis for solving challenging wave propagation ...Report -
Shape reconstruction of nanoparticles from their associated plasmonic resonances
(2016)Research ReportWe prove by means of a couple of examples that plasmonic resonances can be used on one hand to classify shapes of nanoparticles with real algebraic boundaries and on the other hand to reconstruct the separation distance between two nanoparticles from measurements of their first collective plasmonic resonances. To this end, we explicitly compute the spectral decompositions of the Neumann-Poincar´e operators associated with a class of ...Report -
Reconstructing fine details of small objects by using plasmonic spectroscopic data. Part II: The strong interaction regime
(2017)SAM Research ReportReport -
Mathematical and Computational Methods in Photonics and Phononics
(2017)SAM Research ReportReport