Searching for long-lived particles beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider
(2020)Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle PhysicsParticles beyond the Standard Model (SM) can generically have lifetimes that are long compared to SM particles at the weak scale. When produced at experiments such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, these long-lived particles (LLPs) can decay far from the interaction vertex of the primary proton–proton collision. Such LLP signatures are distinct from those of promptly decaying particles that are targeted by the majority of searches ...Report -
Responses and opportunities
(2020)State of knowledge of soil biodiversity - Status, challenges and potentialities. Report 2020Report -
Enhancing the climate risk and adaptation fact base for the Caribbean.
(2010)CCRIF ReportThis Report on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in the Caribbean, which has been produced by the CCRIF, makes an important contribution to developing the capacity to address the climate change challenges facing the Caribbean. The Report focuses on the impact of climate risks and change on: a country’s physical infrastructure (including housing), its tourism, travel, agricultural, industrial and services sectors; establishes ...Report -