(2010)CRN ReportsDas Factsheet bietet einen Überblick über grundlegende Aspekte der Risikobewertung. Im Rahmen eines integrierten Risikomanagement-Prozesses folgt auf die anfängliche Risikoidentifikation die Bewertung von Risiken, die sodann der Vorbereitung von Massnahmen zur Risikoreduktion dient. Das Factsheet führt aus, dass eine wissenschaftliche Risikobewertung identifizierte Risiken möglichst präzise erfassen, beschreiben und falls möglich ...Report -
Horizon Scanning in Government
(2009)CSS Risk and Resilience ReportsConfronted with an increasingly interconnected and dynamically changing world, governments are developing new ways of thinking ahead and planning strategically to cope better with future threats and opportunities. This report on Horizon Scanning in Government presents an innovative approach to support governments in dealing with uncertainties and in envisaging and realizing the policies they desire. It outlines the concept and purpose of ...Report -
Risk Governance Deficits
(2009)IRGC defines risk governance deficits as deficiencies (where elements are lacking) or failures (where actions are not taken or prove unsuccessful) in risk governance structures and processes. They hinder a fair and efficient risk governance process. The deficits described by IRGC have recurred over time and have affected risk governance in many types of private and public organisations, and for different types of risks. While deficits may ...Report -
Focal Report 2
(2009)CRN ReportsThis focal report examines the main characteristics of what is called Integrated Risk Management (IRM). Documents published over the course of the last two years serve as the basis for sketching the main features of this new trend in public sector risk management. In a second part, the concept of Societal Security as used in three Nordic countries – Sweden, Norway and Finland – is explored through the analysis of key primary government sources.Report -
5th Zurich Roundtable on Comprehensive Risk Analysis and Management
(2008)CRN Roundtable ReportsThe Roundtable on “Strategic Foresight and Scenario Planning” explored and discussed strategic and methodical approaches to develop future-oriented policies. The first part of the day was devoted to the question of how strategic foresight can be designed and used in corporate management and public policy. Jan Oliver Schwarz (Berlin University of the Arts) provided insights into the concept, rationale, and potential pitfalls of strategic ...Report -
CRN Conference 2007 Report: Managing Risks in Government, Business, and Society
(2007)CRN ReportsThe report reviews the outcome of the CRN Conference 2007 Managing Risks in Government, Business, and Society, 14-16 June 2007. Around 55 experts from public administrations, security institutions, private corporations, and international organizations dealt with the question of how risks can be managed actively in an interdependent world.Report -
Sense-Making and Warning - How to Understand and Anticipate Emerging Threats
(2007)CRN Workshop ReportsThis is the report of the second of three CSS/GFP seminars that focused on exploring new ways of thinking about strategic foresight in a significantly altered and still rapidly changing international environment. The Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich and the Global Futures Forum (GFF) - a multinational, multidisciplinary, and cross-sector group formed in November 2005 at an international conference hosted by the Global Futures ...Report -
3rd Zurich Roundtable on Comprehensive Risk Analysis and Management
(2006)CRN Roundtable ReportsReport