An hp a-priori error analysis of the DG time-stepping method for initial value problems
(1999)SAM Research ReportThe Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) time-stepping method for the numerical solution of initial value ODEs is analyzed in the context of the hp-version of the Galerkin method. New a-priori error bounds explicit in the time steps and in the approximation orders are derived and it is proved that the DG method gives spectral and exponential accuracy for problems with smooth and analytic time dependence, respectively. It is further shown that ...Report -
Coupling of an Interior Navier-Stokes Problem with an Exterior Oseen Problem
(1998)SAM Research ReportThe paper is concerned with the modelling of viscous incompressible flow in an unbounded exterior domain with the aid of the coupling of the nonlinear Navier--Stokes equations considered in a bounded domain with the linear Oseen system in an exterior domain. These systems are coupled on an artificial interface via suitable transmission conditions. The present paper is a continuation of the work [8], where the coupling of the Navier--Stokes ...Report -
Sparse finite elements for stochastic elliptic problems - higher order moments
(2003)SAM Research ReportWe define the higher order moments associated to the stochastic solution of an elliptic BVP in D \subset Rd with stochastic source terms and boundary data. We prove that the k-th moment (or k-point correlation function) of the random solution solves a deterministic problem in Dk \subset Rdk. We discuss well-posedness and regularity in scales of Sobolev spaces with bounded mixed derivatives. We discretize this deterministic k-th moment ...Report -
Quadrature for hp-Galerkin BEM in R³
(1996)SAM Research ReportThe Galerkin discretization of a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind on a closed, piecewise analytic surface $\Gamma \subset \hbox {R}^3$ is analyzed. High order, $hp$-boundary elements on grids which are geometrically graded toward the edges and vertices of the surface give exponential convergence, similar to what is known in the $hp$ Finite Element Method. A quadrature strategy is developed which gives rise to a fully discrete ...Report -
Mixed hp-DGFEM for incompressible flows
(2002)SAM Research ReportWe consider several mixed discontinuous Galerkin approximations of the Stokes problem and propose an abstract framework for their analysis. Using this framework we derive a priori error estimates for hp-approximations on tensor product meshes. We also prove a new stability estimate for the discrete divergence bilinear form.Report -
Multiresolution weighted norm equivalences and applications
(2002)SAM Research ReportWe establish multiresolution norm equivalences in weighted spaces $L^2_w$ ((0,1)) with possibly singular weight functions $w(x) \geq 0$ in (0,1). Our analysis exploits the locality of the biorthogonal wavelet basis and its dual basis functions. The discrete norms are sums of wavelet coefficients which are weighted with respect to the collocated weight function $w(x)$ within each scale. Since norm equivalences for Sobolev norms are by now ...Report -
Two notes on the implementation of wavelet Galerkin boundary element methods
(1997)SAM Research ReportWe report, in two notes, recent progress in the implementation of wavelet-based Galerkin BEM on polyhedra and study the performance.Report -
Fully Discrete Multiscale Galerkin BEM
(1995)SAM Research ReportWe analyze multiscale Galerkin methods for strongly elliptic boundary integral equations of order zero on closed surfaces in $R^3$. Piecewise polynomial, discontinuous multiwavelet bases of any polynomial degree are constructed explicitly. We show that optimal convergence rates in the boundary energy norm and in certain negative norms can be achieved with "compressed" stiffness matrices containing $O(N({\log N})^2)$ nonvanishing entries ...Report -
Wavelet Galerkin Algorithms for Boundary Integral Equations
(1997)SAM Research ReportThe implementation of a fast, wavelet-based Galerkin discretization of second kind integral equations on piecewise smooth surfaces $\Gamma\subset \R^3$ is described. It allows meshes consisting of triangles as well as quadrilaterals. The algorithm generates a sparse, approximate stiffness matrix with $N=O(N(log N)^2)$ nonvanishing entries in $O(N(\log N)^4)$ operations where N is the number of degrees of freedom on the boundary while ...Report -
A spectral Garlekin method for hydrodynamic stability problems
(1998)SAM Research ReportA spectral Galerkin method for calculating the eigenvalues of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation is presented. The matrices of the resulting generalized eigenvalue problem are sparse. A convergence analysis of the method is presented which indicates that a) no spurious eigenvalues occur and b) reliable results can only be expected under the assumption of {\em scale resolution}, i.e., that $\re/p^2$ is small; here $\re$ is the Reynolds number and ...Report