Visualization of multidimensional shape and texture features in laser range data using complex-valued Gabor wavelets
(1995)ETH, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Departement Informatik, Institut für InformationssystemeReport -
Visualizing information on a sphere
(1997)Internal report / Computer Science Department, ETH ZürichReport -
Ray–tracing of multiresolution B–Spline volumes
(1995)Comp. Sc. Dept. internal reportThis paper describes a wavelet–based ray–tracing algorithm that carries out high quality images. Our appoach takes advantage of the multiresolution representation of the volume data and the self–similarity of the basis functions. The results are flexible high order approximations of the low albedo rendering equation. We propose accurate integration and evaluation schemes for shading and intensity computation. This paper also describes the ...Report -
Fast wavelet based volume rendering by accumulation of transparent texture maps
(1995)Internal report / Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institute for Information SystemsReport -
Integrated volume rendering and data analysis in wavelet space
(1996)Internal report / Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Computer Science DepartementReport -
Multiresolution compression and reconstruction
(1997)Computer Science Department, ETH ZürichThis paper presents a framework for multiresolution compression and geometric reconstruction of arbitrarily dimensioned data designed for distributed applications. Although being restricted to uniform sampled data, our versatile approach enables the handling of a large variety of real world elements. Examples include nonparametric, parametric and implicit lines, surfaces or volumes, all of which are common to large scale data sets. The ...Report -
Fast multiresolution surface meshing
(1995)Internal report / Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Computer Science Department, Institute for Information SystemsReport -