European Policy brief
(2013)SustainCity DeliverableThis Policy Brief highlights the achievements in the three case studies which implement an land use transport interaction model for the given agglomeration. The case studies shall help to advance the state of the art of urban simulation models and to improve their diffusion among planners and decision-makers. To develop a European-adapted version of the urban micro-simulation tool UrbanSim and to implement it in three European cities ...Report -
Archived data set (according to the current DDI standard)
(2009)KITE - a knowledge base for intermodal passenger travel in EuropeReport -
Verifizierung von Prognosemethoden im Personenverkehr
(2003)Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und RaumplanungDas Hauptziel des Forschungsauftrages war, die Nachfragewirkung der „ICN-Einführung“ anhand einer netzbasierten Verkehrsmodellierung vorherzusagen und anschliessend die Resultate mittels einer Vorher-/Nachher-Analyse zu verifizieren. Die Grenzen und Möglichkeiten von Prognosemethoden (revealed und stated preference Analyse) wurden aufgezeigt und die Resultate der Prognose plausibilisiert. Die Untersuchung gibt auch Hinweise über den ...Report -
Distributional assumptions in mixed logit models
(2005)Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und RaumplanungThe characterisation of taste heterogeneity in discrete choice models has been an area of intense research activity in recent years. Although the underlying theory imposes few constraints on the structure of this heterogeneity, in practice most empirical work has adopted an approach based on the use of a relatively limited range of standard probability distributions such as the Normal and Lognormal. However, a number of recent studies ...Report