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- Journal Article
ETH Bibliographie
Digital fabrication has been termed the “third industrial revolution” in recent years, and promises to revolutionize the construction industry with the potential of freeform architecture, less material waste, reduced construction costs, and increased worker safety. Digital fabrication techniques and cementitious materials have only intersected in a significant way within recent years. In this letter, we review the methods of digital fabrication with concrete, including 3D printing, under the encompassing term “digital concrete”, identifying major challenges for concrete technology within this field. We additionally provide an analysis of layered extrusion, the most popular digital fabrication technique in concrete technology, identifying the importance of hydration control in its implementation. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
RILEM Technical LettersBand
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RILEM PublicationsThema
Concrete; Digital Fabrication; Rheology; Set on Demand; ThixotropyOrganisationseinheit
03965 - Buchli, Jonas (SNF-Professur) (ehem.) / Buchli, Jonas (SNF-Professur) (former)
03709 - Kohler, Matthias / Kohler, Matthias
03708 - Gramazio, Fabio / Gramazio, Fabio
02606 - Institut für Baustoffe (IfB) / Institute for Building Materials
09566 - Dillenburger, Benjamin / Dillenburger, Benjamin
03891 - Flatt, Robert J. / Flatt, Robert J.
02284 - NFS Digitale Fabrikation / NCCR Digital Fabrication
02284 - NFS Digitale Fabrikation / NCCR Digital Fabrication
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Is cited by: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000614681
ETH Bibliographie