Open access
- Student Paper
ETH Bibliographie
Flooding-based communication with protocols such as Glossy is being used in-
creasingly in low-power wireless communication for multi-hop networks because
of its efficiency and reliability. For example, Glossy can achieve packet reception
rates above 99.99% in real-life tests. However, faults like interference can still
occur, causing a packet to get lost, and, up-to-date, most Glossy-based communi-
cation protocols do not take such faults explicitly into account. We address this
by using the Low-Power Wireless Bus (LWB), a MAC protocol based on Glossy
floods, to design fault-tolerance mechanisms. To this end, we classify the faults
that can affect our LWB network, and analyze fault-tolerance mechanisms for
data collection and data dissemination applications. We propose two different
mechanisms for data collection and present general evaluation results, consider-
ing one data-collecting sink as well as multiple (redundant) sinks. Furthermore,
we briefly discuss three approaches to fault-tolerant data dissemination. Glossy
and LWB are simple protocols with nice statistical properties, which helps to
model and analyze fault-tolerance mechanisms independently of network topol-
ogy and traffic patterns. Additionally, the proposed mechanisms for data col-
lection are able to leverage Glossy and LWB to increase efficiency. This general
classification and fault-tolerance mechanisms can be used as a foundation for
future analysis of more specific use-cases, e.g. designing a fault-tolerance mech-
anism tailored for a specific network topology. Additionally, an investigation on
the assumptions we make for our analysis could provide further insight into the
modeling of Glossy-based networks. Mehr anzeigen
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ETH ZurichThema
Fault-tolerance; Communication Protocols; Low-power Wireless CommunicationOrganisationseinheit
03429 - Thiele, Lothar (emeritus) / Thiele, Lothar (emeritus)
ETH Bibliographie