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- Journal Article
Using a combination of analytic and numerical methods, we study the polarizability of a (non-interacting) Anderson insulator in one-, two-, and three-dimensions and demonstrate that, in a wide range of parameters, it scales proportionally to the square of the localization length, contrary to earlier claims based on the effective-medium approximation. We further analyze the effect of electron–electron interactions on the dielectric constant in quasi-1D, quasi-2D and 3D materials with large localization length, including both Coulomb repulsion and phonon-mediated attraction. The phonon-mediated attraction (in the pseudogapped state on the insulating side of the superconductor-insulator transition) produces a correction to the dielectric constant, which may be detected from a linear response of a dielectric constant to an external magnetic field. Show more
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New Journal of PhysicsVolume
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IOP PublishingSubject
Anderson localization; dielectric properties; pseudogapMore
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