How does the use of organic fertilizer influence the carbon content and the CO2 budget of an arable soil?
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Research group: Buchmann, Nina
ETH ZurichGeographic location
Place nameOensingen, SwitzerlandPoint coordinatesLatitude: 47.286417Longitude: 7.73375
Soil carbon; Soil nitrogen; Respiration; Organic nitrogen; Fertilizer; AgricultureOrganisational unit
03648 - Buchmann, Nina / Buchmann, Nina
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Site: Oensingen (CH-OE2, canton Solothurn, Switzerland) is located at the southern edge of the bottom of the Jura Mountains. The site is managed as a typical intensive crop rotation under the Swiss Integrated Pest Management regime (IP Suisse).; Longitude (WGS 84): 7°44'01.5" E; Latitude (WGS 84): 47°17'11.1" N; Altitude (m.a.s.l): 452; Land cover (IGBP land classification): Cropland; Soil type: Eutri-stagnic cambisol (FAO, ISRIC and ISSS, 1998. World Reference Base for Soil Resources.); Geology: Alpine lime (50%), jurassic lime (15%), silicon dioxide (15%), conglomerates and crystalline rock (15%) (after: Mühlberg und Niggli, 1913, Geologischer Atlas der Schweiz GAS, 2003).More
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