A local and scalable lattice renormalization method for ballistic quantum computation
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- Journal Article
A recent proposal has shown that it is possible to perform linear-optics quantum computation using a ballistic generation of the lattice. Yet, due to the probabilistic generation of its cluster state, it is not possible to use the fault-tolerant Raussendorf lattice, which requires a lower failure rate during the entanglement-generation process. Previous work in this area showed proof-of-principle linear-optics quantum computation, while this paper presents an approach to it which is more practical, satisfying several key constraints. We develop a classical measurement scheme that purifies a large faulty lattice to a smaller lattice with entanglement faults below threshold. A single application of this method can reduce the entanglement error rate to 7% for an input failure rate of 25%. Thus, we can show that it is possible to achieve fault tolerance for ballistic methods. Show more
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https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000276433Publication status
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npj Quantum InformationVolume
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