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- Working Paper
ETH Bibliography
This paper describes development and testing of a passive GPS tracking smartphone application and corresponding data analysis methodology designed to increase the quality of travel behavior information collected in long-term travel surveys. The new approach is intended to replace the pencil-and-paper travel diaries and prompted recall methods that require more user involvement due to requirements for manual data entry and/or high battery usage. Reducing the burden placed on users enables researchers to collect data over longer periods, thus improving the quality of travel behavior research. To reduce battery use the smartphone-based application collects GPS data less frequently than other methods. Therefore, new algorithms were developed to identify trips and activities, transport mode, and even the specific vehicle used by the traveler. An important finding was the significant advantage of using users past data to improve mode detection results. The system was tested successfully in Zürich and Basel (Switzerland). Show more
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https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000300458Publication status
publishedJournal / series
Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und RaumplanungVolume
IVT, ETH ZurichSubject
Tracking; Travel survey; Public transport operations; Mode detection; Smartphone; GPSOrganisational unit
09611 - Corman, Francesco / Corman, Francesco
03521 - Axhausen, Kay W. (emeritus) / Axhausen, Kay W. (emeritus)
02655 - Netzwerk Stadt u. Landschaft ARCH u BAUG / Network City and Landscape ARCH and BAUG
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Is previous version of: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/344348
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ETH Bibliography