Secular trends in major osteoporotic fractures among 50+ adults in Denmark between 1995 and 2010
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- Journal Article
ETH Bibliographie
We investigated the incidence trend in all major osteoporotic fractures for the whole country of Denmark between 1995 and 2010. Hip and other osteoporotic fractures declined for the general population and especially among women. But, we observed some increasing trend among men which needs more attention.
The trend in osteoporotic fractures is varied across the globe, and there is no updated information in the case of Denmark for all major osteoporotic fractures (MOF). Thus, we investigated the incidence rates (IRs) of MOF among 50+ adults in Denmark over the period 1995–2010.
A series of cross-sectional analyses was done using the Danish National Health Service Register. Participants were 50+ adults in the full country Denmark with a MOF between 1995 and 2010. Gender- specific IRs of MOF per 10,000 person years (PYs) were estimated, in addition to IRs of individual fracture sites (hip, vertebrae, humerus, and radius/ulna), and women-to-men IR ratios for MOF.
A general decline was observed in IRs of MOF for the whole population (from 169.8 per 10,000 PYs in 1995, to 148.0 in 2010), which was more pronounced among women. Thirty-one and nineteen percent of decline was observed in hip fracture rates among women and men, respectively. The trend in clinical vertebral fracture was slightly decreasing for women and increasing for men. The women-to-men rate ratio of MOF decreased noticeably from 2.93 to 2.72 during study period.
We observed declining trends in MOF and hip fracture for both sexes. However, a lower rate of decrease of hip fracture and an increasing trend in vertebral fracture was noticed among men. Considering our observations and the major economic burden which accompanies this devastating disease, more attention should be paid to MOF, especially in men. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
Archives of OsteoporosisBand
Seiten / Artikelnummer
Osteoporosis; Osteoporotic fractures; Epidemiology; Incidence ratesOrganisationseinheit
09633 - Burden, Andrea / Burden, Andrea
ETH Bibliographie