A non-rigid registration method for the analysis of local deformations in the wood cell wall

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- Journal Article
This paper concerns the problem of wood cellular structure image registration. Given the large variability of wood geometry and the important changes in the cellular organization due to moisture sorption, an affine-based image registration technique is not exhaustive to describe the overall hygro-mechanical behaviour of wood at micrometre scales. Additionally, free tools currently available for non-rigid image registration are not suitable for quantifying the structural deformations of complex hierarchical materials such as wood, leading to errors due to misalignment. In this paper, we adapt an existing non-rigid registration model based on B-spline functions to our case study. The so-modified algorithm combines the concept of feature recognition within specific regions locally distributed in the material with an optimization problem. Results show that the method is able to quantify local deformations induced by moisture changes in tomographic images of wood cell wall with high accuracy. The local deformations provide new important insights in characterizing the swelling behaviour of wood at the cell wall level. Show more
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https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000321233Publication status
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Journal / series
Advanced Structural and Chemical ImagingVolume
Pages / Article No.
Image registration; B-spline function; Free form deformation; Spruce wood; X-ray tomography; EquivalentOrganisational unit
03817 - Stampanoni, Marco F.M. / Stampanoni, Marco F.M.
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