Environmental Fate of RNA Interference Pesticides: Adsorption and Degradation of Double-Stranded RNA Molecules in Agricultural Soils
Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) pesticides are a new generation of crop protectants that interfere with protein expression in targeted pest insects by a cellular mechanism called RNA interference (RNAi). The ecological risk assessment of these emerging pesticides necessitates an understanding of the fate of dsRNA molecules in receiving environments, among which agricultural soils are most important. We herein present an experimental approach using phosphorus-32 (32P)-radiolabeled dsRNA that allows studying key fate processes of dsRNA in soils with unprecedented sensitivity. This approach resolves previous analytical challenges in quantifying unlabeled dsRNA and its degradation products in soils. We demonstrate that 32P-dsRNA and its degradation products are quantifiable at concentrations as low as a few nanograms of dsRNA per gram of soil by both Cerenkov counting (to quantify total 32P-activity) and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by phosphorimaging (to detect intact 32P-dsRNA and its 32P-containing degradation products). We show that dsRNA molecules added to soil suspensions undergo adsorption to soil particle surfaces, degradation in solution, and potential uptake by soil microorganisms. The results of this work on dsRNA adsorption and degradation advance a process-based understanding of the fate of dsRNA in soils and will inform ecological risk assessments of emerging dsRNA pesticides. Show more
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https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000334575Publication status
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Environmental Science & TechnologyVolume
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American Chemical SocietyOrganisational unit
09496 - Lever, Mark A. (ehemalig) / Lever, Mark A. (former)
03850 - McNeill, Kristopher / McNeill, Kristopher
707432 - Environmental fate of double stranded RNA (dsRNA) from RNA interference crop protection technology in agricultural systems: A systematic assessment of dsRNA hydrolysis, adsorption, and photolysis (EC)
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