Relaxation Dynamics and Genuine Properties of the Solvated Electron in Neutral Water Clusters
We have investigated the solvation dynamics and the genuine binding energy and photoemission anisotropy of the solvated electron in neutral water clusters with a combination of time-resolved photoelectron velocity map imaging and electron scattering simulations. The dynamics was probed with a UV probe pulse following above-band-gap excitation by an EUV pump pulse. The solvation dynamics is completed within about 2 ps. Only a single band is observed in the spectra, with no indication for isomers with distinct binding energies. Data analysis with an electron scattering model reveals a genuine binding energy in the range of 3.55−3.85 eV and a genuine anisotropy parameter in the range of 0.51−0.66 for the ground-state hydrated electron. All of these observations coincide with those for liquid bulk, which is rather unexpected for an average cluster size of 300 molecules. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
The Journal of Physical Chemistry LettersBand
Seiten / Artikelnummer
American Chemical SocietyOrganisationseinheit
03961 - Signorell, Ruth / Signorell, Ruth
786636 - Droplet Photoelectron Imaging (EC)
125760 - Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology (MUST) (SNF)
172472 - Phase Transitions of Ultrafine Aerosol Particles: Condensation, Freezing, and Metal Formation in Confined Systems (SNF)