A New Perspective on Interphase Formation in Li-ion Batteries by Combined EIS & EQCM-D

Open access
- Doctoral Thesis
ETH Bibliography
The Li-ion battery is widely acknowledged as one of the key energy storage technologies
enabling the transition towards sustainable transport and power generation. Its high specific
energy is based on the formation of the so-called solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) which
passivates the anode predominately during initial battery charging. Due to the complex
dynamics of the SEI formation process, its nm-sized dimensions, as well as the intermediacy
and instability of many interphase species, operando analytical techniques of high surface
sensitivity are preferred to study this phenomenon.
In this work, a new method was developed for investigating interphase formation in Li-ion
cells by combining operando electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation
monitoring (EQCM-D) with simultaneous in situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
(EIS). Hereby, the evolution of SEI mass and its mechanical properties can be directly
correlated to the concurrent electrode impedance change during cycling. For this purpose, a
new Li-ion cell was designed which enables simultaneous EIS and EQCM-D measurements.
An additional high surface area working electrode implemented in the setup reduces the
critical electrolyte volume to electrode surface area ratio (flooding factor) and facilitates
detection of diffusion processes between different types of electrodes.
Experimental data and EIS numerical simulations suggest that the SEI forming on anodes in
Li-ion cells impedes ion diffusion between the electrode surface and the electrolyte volume.
Based on these observations a new equivalent circuit was derived for describing the anode
impedance spectrum. Diffusion limitation in the thin electrode-electrolyte interphase was
modeled using a finite length Warburg element with transmissive boundary condition.
In this work, combined EIS/EQCM-D was employed along with additional analytical
techniques such as XPS and OEMS to study the SEI formation process on carbon based
anodes and their copper current collectors in standard LiPF6 based electrolyte. The findings
suggested that the electrolyte decomposition mechanism and the interphase properties differ
significantly between both types of electrodes. On copper trace water in the electrolyte causes
the catalytically enabled reduction of HF to LiF which forms an early rigid interphase on the
current collector. Afterwards interactions with the porous carbon active material and
reduction of the electrolyte solvent generate a second organic layer on top. On carbon
surfaces water in the electrolyte is reduced around 2 V vs. Li+/Li. OEMS together with
doubly labeled heavy water D2
18O revealed the complicated electrolyte decomposition
mechanism triggered by this reaction. While some reaction products precipitate on the anode
surface, others dissolve and lead to an overall increase of electrolyte viscosity and cell ohmic
resistance during cycling as detected by EIS/EQCM-D. Carbon anode passivation in pure
LiPF6/EC+DEC occurs at potentials negative to 0.9 V due to a one electron EC reduction
process. The electrolyte additives VC and FEC are reduced positive to 1 V, suppress
subsequent EC decomposition, and significantly reduce the overall SEI mass. In particular the
additive VC significantly improves anode passivation.
The viscoelastic SEI parameters that were measured in this work by EQCM-D are much
lower than one might expect from the individual interphase components, which indicates that
the electrolyte solvent partially penetrates the SEI. Water, VC, and FEC are reduced at the
anode to form (among others) rigid inorganic salts and therefore significantly increase the
SEI G’ modulus when added to the electrolyte. In all investigated cells the SEI properties
were found to change with electrode potential. In general the SEI becomes more rigid and at
the same time more conductive with decreasing electrode potential which could be caused by
Li+/EC concentration changes at the anode surface. These findings highlight the importance
of operando analytical techniques for interphase research.
This work demonstrates that the combination of EIS with EQCM-D provides unique insights
into the evolution and properties of interphases in Li-ion cells. The technique can help to
further the fundamental understanding of passivation processes in today’s batteries. Show more
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https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000373949Publication status
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ETH ZurichSubject
Li-ion batteries; Solid electrolyte interphase; Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoringOrganisational unit
02020 - Dep. Chemie und Angewandte Biowiss. / Dep. of Chemistry and Applied Biosc.
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ETH Bibliography