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- Journal Article
ETH Bibliographie
We discuss the recently developed bosonic dynamical mean-field theory (B-DMFT) framework, which maps a bosonic lattice model onto the self-consistent solution of a bosonic impurity model with coupling to a reservoir of normal and condensed bosons. The effective impurity action is derived in several ways: (i) as an approximation to the kinetic energy functional of the lattice problem, (ii) using a cavity approach and (iii) using an effective medium approach based on adding a one-loop correction to the self-consistently defined condensate. To solve the impurity problem, we use a continuous-time Monte Carlo algorithm based on the sampling of a perturbation expansion in the hybridization functions and the condensate wave function. As applications of the formalism, we present finite-temperature B-DMFT phase diagrams for the bosonic Hubbard model on a three-dimensional (3D) cubic and a 2D square lattice, the condensate order parameter as a function of chemical potential, critical exponents for the condensate, the approach to the weakly interacting Bose gas regime for weak repulsions and the kinetic energy as a function of temperature. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
New Journal of PhysicsBand
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IOP PublishingThema
Electronic-structure calculations; Quantum impurity models; Monte-carlo; Infinite dimensions; Anderson model; Mott transition; Fermions; Superconductivity; Systems; LatticeOrganisationseinheit
03622 - Troyer, Matthias (ehemalig) / Troyer, Matthias (former)
ETH Bibliographie