Chromosomal origin of replication coordinates logically distinct types of bacterial genetic regulation
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- Journal Article
For a long time it has been hypothesized that bacterial gene regulation involves an intricate interplay of the transcriptional regulatory network (TRN) and the spatial organization of genes in the chromosome. Here we explore this hypothesis both on a structural and on a functional level. On the structural level, we study the TRN as a spatially embedded network. On the functional level, we analyze gene expression patterns from a network perspective (“digital control”), as well as from the perspective of the spatial organization of the chromosome (“analog control”). Our structural analysis reveals the outstanding relevance of the symmetry axis defined by the origin (Ori) and terminus (Ter) of replication for the network embedding and, thus, suggests the co-evolution of two regulatory infrastructures, namely the transcriptional regulatory network and the spatial arrangement of genes on the chromosome, to optimize the cross-talk between two fundamental biological processes: genomic expression and replication. This observation is confirmed by the functional analysis based on the differential gene expression patterns of more than 4000 pairs of microarray and RNA-Seq datasets for E. coli from the Colombos Database using complex network and machine learning methods. This large-scale analysis supports the notion that two logically distinct types of genetic control are cooperating to regulate gene expression in a complementary manner. Moreover, we find that the position of the gene relative to the Ori is a feature of very high predictive value for gene expression, indicating that the Ori–Ter symmetry axis coordinates the action of distinct genetic control mechanisms. Show more
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npj Systems Biology and ApplicationsVolume
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