Correlation of core and downhole seismic velocities in high-pressure metamorphic rocks: a case study for the COSC-1 borehole, Sweden
Deeply rooted thrust zones are key features of tectonic processes and the evolution of mountain belts. Exhumed and deeply eroded orogens like the Scandinavian Caledonides allow us to study such systems from the surface. Previous seismic investigations of the Seve Nappe Complex have shown indications of a strong but discontinuous reflectivity of this thrust zone, which is only poorly understood. The correlation of seismic properties measured on borehole cores with surface seismic data can constrain the origin of this reflectivity. To this end, we compare seismic velocities measured on cores to in situ velocities measured in the borehole. For some intervals of the COSC-1 borehole, the core and downhole velocities deviate by up to 2 km s−1. These differences in the core and downhole velocities are most likely the result of microcracks mainly due to depressurization. However, the core and downhole velocities of the intervals with mafic rocks are generally in close agreement. Seismic anisotropy measured in laboratory samples increases from about 5 % to 26 % at depth, correlating with a transition from gneissic to schistose foliation. Thus, metamorphic foliation has a clear expression in seismic anisotropy. These results will aid in the evaluation of core-derived seismic properties of high-grade metamorphic rocks at the COSC-1 borehole and elsewhere. Mehr anzeigen
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Solid EarthBand
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