Electron optics in the solid state promises new functionality in electronics through the possibility of realizing nano- and micrometer-sized interferometers, lenses, collimators, and beam splitters that manipulate electrons instead of light. Until now, however, such functionality has been demonstrated exclusively in one-dimensional devices, such as in nanotubes, and in graphene-based devices operating with p-n junctions. In this work, we describe a novel mechanism for realizing electron optics in two dimensions. By studying a two-dimensional Fabry-Perot interferometer based on a resonant cavity formed in an InAs/GaSb double quantum well using p-n junctions, we establish that electron-hole hybridization in band-inverted systems can facilitate coherent interference. With this discovery, we expand the field of electron optics in two dimensions to encompass materials that exhibit band inversion and hybridization. Show more
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https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000426907Publication status
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Journal / series
Physical Review XVolume
Pages / Article No.
American Institute of PhysicsOrganisational unit
03439 - Ensslin, Klaus / Ensslin, Klaus
08835 - Ihn, Thomas (Tit.-Prof.)
03833 - Wegscheider, Werner / Wegscheider, Werner
09594 - Zilberberg, Oded (ehemalig) / Zilberberg, Oded (former)
02205 - FIRST-Lab / FIRST Center for Micro- and Nanoscience
163818 - Electronic and photonic quantum engineered systems (SNF)
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