Where do Kampala’s poor “go”?
Results of a representative survey conducted with 1500 poor households in Uganda’s capital during November 2010 show that the majority of Kampala’s urban poor have access to on-site sanitation facilities. Despite the widespread accessibility to sanitation, the conditions of many facilities are unsatisfactory due to the generally large number of users per stance. This leads to low hygienic standards and waiting times for toilet users. As a result, “flying toilets” is (at least occasionally) still a common practice among the urban poor, and many toilets are abandoned after a relatively short time - thus questioning the true level of sanitation access in Kampala’s low-income areas. Household investment in good-quality on-site facilities is discouraged by the lack of property rights and high prices, often exceeding the average annual per capita income in Kampala’s poor settlements. Show more
Publication status
publishedJournal / series
Research Evidence for PolicyPublisher
ETH ZürichSubject
Slum sanitation; Distribution of sanitation arrangement; Tenant; Owner; Landlord; User satisfaction; Reasons for changing toilet facility; Luethi; LüthiOrganisational unit
03808 - Günther, Isabel / Günther, Isabel
Also published by: Makerere University Kampala, Uganda; EAWAG, Switzerland.More
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