In this paper, we present a virtual learning Environment for an industrial assembly task, which combines an easy-to-use interaction with an intuitive user experience. It is shown that such a virtual environment can be used for initial Training to introduce tasks to new employees, but also experts may Benefit from advanced training in case of new products, or new Assembly routines. Consequently, this application was validated twice. First, in a lab pilot study showing that the simple interactions and helpful instructions were appreciated by the participants. Second, professionals from industry were asked to perform the task and to evaluate the usefulness of the virtual learning Environment considering its industrial applicability. Based on the achieved scores and the post-study interviews, both, the lab pilot and the industrial study, have performed well and will be further developed in close collaboration with the industrial partner. Mehr anzeigen
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Seiten / Artikelnummer
Virtual Reality; Industrial Application; Assembly TrainingOrganisationseinheit
03641 - Wegener, Konrad (emeritus) / Wegener, Konrad (emeritus)
08844 - Kunz, Andreas (Tit.-Prof.) / Kunz, Andreas (Tit.-Prof.)
Conference lecture held on September 10, 2019