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- Journal Article
The discovery and preparation of important molecules rely on the synthetic chemist's ability to valorize common feedstock materials, such as petroleum or biomass. Key to this endeavor is the design of efficient methods to introduce, remove or interconvert functional groups. Our group has a longstanding interest in developing conceptually novel catalytic reactions for the installation of unprotected amines, the selective activation of C-O bonds (in polyols) and the transfer (shuttle) or exchange (metathesis) of functionalities between two molecules. This account describes representative examples from our group in these different research areas. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
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Swiss Chemical SocietyThema
Amination; C-O bond activation; Homogenous catalysis; Isodesmic reactions; MetathesisOrganisationseinheit
09634 - Morandi, Bill / Morandi, Bill
09634 - Morandi, Bill / Morandi, Bill
757608 - Shuttle Catalysis for Reversible Molecular Construction (EC)
184658 - Catalytic synthesis of unprotected amines and heterocycles (SNF)