EduBal: An open balancing robot platform for teaching control and system theory
In this work we present EduBal, an educational open-source hardware and software platform for a balancing robot. The robot is designed to be low-cost, safe and easy to use by students for control education. Along with the robot we present example tasks from system identification as well as SISO and MIMO control. Using Simulink, students can quickly implement their control algorithms on the robot. Individual control parameters can be tuned online while analyzing the resulting behavior in live signal plots. At RWTH Aachen University and ETH Zurich 28 units have so far been built and used in control classes. In first laboratory experiences students show high intrinsic motivation and creativity to apply the studied concepts of control theory to the real system. Show more
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Cornell UniversityOrganisational unit
03286 - Guzzella, Lino / Guzzella, Lino
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