Nested multi-input-output model of interdependent infrastructure and socioeconomic systems in urban areas
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- Conference Paper
ETH Bibliography
Urban areas are constantly expanding as people gravitate towards cities. As a result, cities become more complex, interconnected, and dependent on essential infrastructure systems. These systems are stressed and suffer more disruptions. In turn, these disruptions have larger impacts due to higher urban density and increasing number of interdependencies present. Consequently, it is vital to ensure that the infrastructure systems are resilient. We present a framework for modeling impacts of disruptions on infrastructure systems, businesses, and households in urban areas. Our novel model addresses the gap of adequately modeling non-homogenous urban areas. These areas might benefit from more detailed representations in regions of particular interest. We outline the approach and key issues in this space, such as mapping of resources between models of different granularity and defining the most adequate granularity levels. Finally, we describe the main challenges and possible further studies focused around the application of this model in practice. Show more
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publishedBook title
Proceedings of the Joint International Resilience ConferenceVolume
Pages / Article No.
4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering, University of TwenteEvent
infrastructure modeling; System-of-Systems (SOS); agent-based modeling; infrastructure resilience; model granularityOrganisational unit
03930 - Stojadinovic, Bozidar / Stojadinovic, Bozidar
08058 - Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) / Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC)
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ETH Bibliography