The role and limits of strategic framing for promoting sustainable consumption and policy
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- Journal Article
Strategic issue framing is widely regarded as an effective communication strategy to alter public opinion and citizens’ policy support. However, it is unclear to what extent strategic framing can increase support for ambitious demand-side actions and policies that make the cost of mitigation perceptible in citizens’ everyday lives. Taking an exploratory approach, we conducted qualitative interviews and a comparative framing experiment with 9,750 survey respondents from China, Germany, and the United States. We analyzed strategic issue framing effects in two areas known to be key for increasing the sustainability of consumption: meat/fish consumption, and fossil-fuel car usage. Employing both classical linear regressions and advanced Bayesian sparse estimations, we show that in all three countries widespread arguments in favor of reduced meat/fish consumption and car use are unlikely to substantially alter citizens’ concern, willingness to pay, behavioral intentions and policy support for demand-side action. Our findings suggest that in the absence of a broader behavioral change campaign, strategic issue framing alone is unlikely to be effective in changing entrenched attitudes and behaviors. On its own, it is also unlikely to substantially increase public support for demand-side policies to reduce consumption. More careful research is needed to help policymakers understand the role and limits of different strategic framing techniques. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
Global Environmental ChangeBand
Seiten / Artikelnummer
Environmental policy; Comparative survey experiment; Public opinion; Bayesian sparse regression; Sustainable consumption; Strategic framing; Meat consumption; Car usage; Demand-side mitigationOrganisationseinheit
09685 - Kaufmann, David / Kaufmann, David
02890 - Inst. of Science, Technology and Policy / Inst. of Science, Technology and Policy
02655 - Netzwerk Stadt u. Landschaft ARCH u BAUG / Network City and Landscape ARCH and BAUG
03446 - Bernauer, Thomas / Bernauer, Thomas