Mobility and sales activity during the Corona crisis: daily indicators for Switzerland
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- Journal Article
This paper documents daily compound indicators on physical mobility and sales activity in Switzerland during the Corona crisis. We report several insights from these indicators: The Swiss population substantially reduced its activities already before the shops closed and before the authorities introduced containment policies in mid-March 2020. Activity started to gradually recover from the beginning of April onwards, again substantially before the first phase of the shutdown easing started at the end of April. Low physical mobility during the second half of March and during April likely contributed to the quick fall in new COVID-19 infections since mid-March. The sharp drop in economic activity in consumer-related services during March and April and the gradual recovery in these sectors since May correlate strongly with the reduction and subsequent gradual resurgence of mobility. In addition, while activity within Switzerland was back to normal levels by late June, activity of Swiss residents outside of Switzerland was still below normal. Show more
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Journal / series
Swiss Journal of Economics and StatisticsVolume
Pages / Article No.
Corona crisis; Mobility; Sales activity; Daily indicatorsOrganisational unit
06330 - KOF FB Konjunktur / KOF Macroeconomic forecasting
02525 - KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle / KOF Swiss Economic Institute
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