Dynamic passenger assignment for major railway disruptions considering information interventions
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- Journal Article
ETH Bibliography
Passenger assignment models for major disruptions that require trains to be cancelled/short-turned in railway systems are rarely considered in literature, although these models could make a significant contribution to passenger-oriented disruption timetable design/rescheduling. This paper proposes a dynamic passenger assignment model, where the passengers who start travelling before, during and after the disruption are all considered. The model ensures that on-board passengers are given priority over waiting passengers, and waiting passengers are boarding under the first-come-first-serve rule. Moreover, the model allows information interventions by publishing information about service variations and train congestion at different locations with the aim of distributing passengers wisely to achieve less travel time increase due to the disruption. Discrete event simulation is adopted to implement the model, where loading/unloading procedures are realized and passengers re-plan their paths based on the information they receive. The model tracks individual travels, which helps to evaluate a disruption timetable in a passenger-oriented way. Show more
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https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000486722Publication status
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Journal / series
Networks and Spatial EconomicsVolume
Pages / Article No.
Major disruptions; Railway systems; Dynamic assignment; Information interventionOrganisational unit
09611 - Corman, Francesco / Corman, Francesco
02655 - Netzwerk Stadt u. Landschaft ARCH u BAUG / Network City and Landscape ARCH and BAUG
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ETH Bibliography