Nutrient complexity triggers transitions between solitary and colonial growth in bacterial populations
Microbial populations often experience fluctuations in nutrient complexity in their natural environment such as between high molecular weight polysaccharides and simple monosaccharides. However, it is unclear if cells can adopt growth behaviors that allow individuals to optimally respond to differences in nutrient complexity. Here, we directly control nutrient complexity and use quantitative single-cell analysis to study the growth dynamics of individuals within populations of the aquatic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus. We show that cells form clonal microcolonies when growing on the polysaccharide xylan, which is abundant in nature and degraded using extracellular cell-linked enzymes; and disperse to solitary growth modes when the corresponding monosaccharide xylose becomes available or nutrients are exhausted. We find that the cellular density required to achieve maximal growth rates is four-fold higher on xylan than on xylose, indicating that aggregating is advantageous on polysaccharides. When collectives on xylan are transitioned to xylose, cells start dispersing, indicating that colony formation is no longer beneficial and solitary behaviors might serve to reduce intercellular competition. Our study demonstrates that cells can dynamically tune their behaviors when nutrient complexity fluctuates, elucidates the quantitative advantages of distinct growth behaviors for individual cells and indicates why collective growth modes are prevalent in microbial populations. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
The ISME JournalBand
Seiten / Artikelnummer
Biofilms; Microbial ecology; Water microbiologyOrganisationseinheit
09467 - Stocker, Roman / Stocker, Roman
03743 - Ackermann, Martin / Ackermann, Martin
02205 - FIRST-Lab / FIRST Center for Micro- and Nanoscience
169978 - A microscale analysis of the causes and consequences of the spatial arrangement of biological functions in microbial consortia (SNF)