Broadband, highly reflective thermal protection systems, exploiting photonic additives
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- Journal Article
ETH Bibliographie
Photonic additives have been investigated as a means to enhance the efficiency of thermal protection systems (TPS) against the adverse effects of thermal radiation. State-of-the-art TPS consist of carbon fibers embedded in a phenolic resin matrix. During operation, the TPS is consumed because it is exposed to an excess heat flux, a large fraction of which is due to thermal radiation. Here, we show that a properly modeled and designed additive-impregnated TPS can block a considerable part of this heat influx and quantify how different control parameters, in particular the additives’ amount, placement and alignment, influence the achieved photonic enhancement. More specifically, the intrinsic reflectivity of 8.5% of a conventional TPS can been improved to values exceeding 85% by controllably inserting additives, consisting of a Ta/[SiO2/TiO2]6 heterostructure, here referred to as Type 1, an ideal, optimized, high and broadband reflector. Nevertheless, even simple, commercially available additives composed of TiO2/Al2O3/TiO2, here referred to as Type 2, provide a high reflectivity enhancement with values of up to 76%, when used in larger quantities. The simulations of this work are based on the Monte Carlo Ray Tracing (MCRT) method. The MCRT simulation method has been validated against experiment, using the structure and experiments from a literature reference. Our analysis method allows one to design and model the performance of photonically enhanced TPS that operate in high-flux, radiative conditions, like those expected in future aerospace re-entry missions or next-generation, gas turbines and thermophotovoltaic plants and provides a viable option for efficiently enhancing a TPS. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
International Journal of Thermal SciencesBand
Seiten / Artikelnummer
Photonic Additives; Reflectance Enhancement; Thermal radiation; Radiative Transfer; Numerical modelling; Monte CarloOrganisationseinheit
03974 - Leuthold, Juerg / Leuthold, Juerg
02635 - Institut für Elektromagnetische Felder / Electromagnetic Fields Laboratory
160184 - Design and manufacturing of heterogeneous photonic composites for aerospace applications (SNF)
ETH Bibliographie