Temporal trends in canopy temperature and greenness are potential indicators of late-season drought avoidance and functional stay-green in wheat
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- Journal Article
The ability to avoid dehydration is a drought resistance mechanism becoming increasingly more important even in temperate regions. In wheat, dehydration avoidance can be associated with a maintained canopy cooling during dry periods. However, in an average year under temperate conditions, drought periods are rather short which makes it difficult to routinely screen for drought avoidance using canopy temperature (CT). Furthermore, confounding factors such as differences in height, shoot biomass, canopy structure and phenology complicate the interpretation of differences in CT. We aimed to use temporal trends in CT and canopy greenness during short-term drought and heat events in the early grain filling phase to circumvent these problems. During this phase, evaporative demand is high and phenology-driven senescence has yet little effect on CT. Diverse sets of 354 and 71 wheat genotypes where grown in the field phenotyping platform of ETH Zurich in 2018 and 2019, respectively. CT was repeatedly measured during early grain filling by means of drone-based imaging. The temporal trends in CT during early grain filling showed a moderate to high within-year heritability (h2 = 0.35 and h2 = 0.88 in 2018 and 2019, respectively). These trends were largely independent of confounding factors when compared to single time point measurements and likely represent genotype-specific reactions to decreasing water availability more directly than absolute CT. CT trends were also largely independent of the temporal trends in stay-green indices. Therefore, we used a combination of time-resolved CT and stay-green trends to identify genotypes combining both traits. Significant differences were observed in the combined time-resolved index among three replicated check varieties. We therefore propose to use the combined time-resolved index to identify genotypes with improved drought avoidance and functional stay green. Show more
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https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000511772Publication status
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Field Crops ResearchVolume
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High-throughput field phenotyping; Remote sensing; Thermal imaging; Canopy reflectance; UAVOrganisational unit
03894 - Walter, Achim / Walter, Achim
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