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- Journal Article
In this work, the impact of high stress gradients, found in bending of thin unidirectional fiber reinforced shells (~0.1 to 1 mm), on compressive micro-buckling failure, was analyzed. Such thin shells show increased resistance to compressive failure under high curvatures, which may even allow tensile fiber damage to drive ultimate failure for very low thickness (e.g. <0.5 mm). The main scope of this work is to analyze this increased resistance to compressive failure and propose a robust modeling scheme. The mechanical failure response was captured by a shell-buckling experimental campaign. The origins of the increased compressive failure resistance were initially attributed to the reduction of shear stresses acting on the most susceptible domain of a representative wavy fiber. This effect was effectively described by an analytically derived, stress-gradient-dependent parameter. The hypothesis for the establishment of this parameter was corroborated by a numerical micromechanical model adopting the embedded cell approach. This model also revealed important micromechanical interactions which were incorporated by simple stress and strain factors. The derived failure prediction scheme was further extended to include the non-negligible, non-linear elastic material behavior of carbon fibers by means of a numerical algorithm. The validity of the failure prediction model was demonstrated by the successful comparison with results acquired from the shell-buckling experiments on a unidirectional carbon-fiber reinforced epoxy system. To this end, the validity of the initial hypothesis of stress-gradient-dependence on compressive failure was corroborated. Major effect on the overall behavior modeling has carbon fiber's material non-linearity, as well as micromechanical interactions. Show more
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Journal / series
Composites Science and TechnologyVolume
Pages / Article No.
Carbon fibers A.; Flexible composites A.; Computational mechanics C.; Failure criterion C.; Non-linear materialOrganisational unit
03507 - Ermanni, Paolo (emeritus) / Ermanni, Paolo (emeritus)
150729 - Optical measurement of three-dimensional surface displacement fields of morphing structures (SNF)
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