A longitudinal examination of the reciprocal relationship between goal orientation and performance: The mediating role of self-efficacy
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- Journal Article
ETH Bibliographie
Goal orientation has been considered as a relatively stable but malleable antecedent of performance. Yet, the reciprocal role of performance on goal orientation has been largely overlooked. Drawing from social cognitive theory, this study examines the reciprocal relationship between goal orientation and performance using a six-wave longitudinal design. It also examines self-efficacy as a mediator of the reciprocal relationship. The findings reveal positive reciprocal relationships between most dimensions of goal orientation and performance. Importantly, the impact of previous performance on goal orientation dimensions is at least as strong as and more persistent than that of goal orientation on subsequent performance. Most of the reciprocal relationships are mediated by self-efficacy. Although some findings are consistent with the literature, others are not expected based on the existing framework, especially regarding performance avoidance orientation. Implications for future goal orientation research are discussed. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
Personality and Individual DifferencesBand
Seiten / Artikelnummer
Goal orientation; Self-efficacy; Performance; Longitudinal data; Social cognitive theoryOrganisationseinheit
02120 - Dep. Management, Technologie und Ökon. / Dep. of Management, Technology, and Ec.03356 - Grote, Gudela / Grote, Gudela
ETH Bibliographie