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ETH Bibliography
Background and methodology: The dataset consists of 5040 records of publication metadata (author, abstract, title, keywords, tags etc.), produced for the purposes of the systematic literature review in the framework of the SHAPE-ID project. In the course of the review Project team queried Web of Science (WoS), Scopus and JSTOR databases for records on interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity (IDR/TDR). In the case of WoS and Scopus, complex search strings were created to reflect the main research questions of the Literature Review: different understandings of IDR/TDR and factors and indicators of success or failure of integration of IDR/TDR in research and research policy. JSTOR database offers less advanced data-analytical tools, but the project team decided to include items that have interdisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity in the title, to counterbalance the reported biases against Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences in Scopus and WoS. These three data sources were complemented with bibliographies prepared during the preliminary scoping analysis of IDR/TDR literature. The query results were compiled in reference managers Zotero and Endnote. During data processing the records were normalized and duplicates were removed. Based on systematic review, a sample of the literature had been selected for qualitative analysis. At the same time, the bibliographic metadata was analysed with computationally assisted quantitative methods.
Description of the file: This is a csv file exported from the Zotero database, and formatted according to the Zotero metadata model. It contains a collection of 5040 bibliographic records compiled for the purpose of the SHAPE-ID Literature Review. Show more
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interdisciplinarity; transdisciplinarity; interdisciplinary research; transdisciplinary research; integration; understandings; arts; humanities; social sciences; AHSS; SSHOrganisational unit
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ETH Bibliography