Cascade-risk-informed transmission expansion planning of AC electric power systems
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- Journal Article
ETH Bibliographie
Latest standards for transmission system planning require investigation of the performance during the simulta neous loss of two elements and an assessment of the risk of cascading outages. Consequently, transmission system expansion must also be supported by in-depth security analyses. In this study, we propose a risk-informed transmission expansion planning method. At the core of the method is an AC based cascading failure model that simulates the power system responses after contingencies. The method aims to provide an optimal expansion plan striking the balance between the cost of expansion and the risk of systemic failures. Addressing this chal lenge requires a simulation based multi-objective optimization, which we tackle using a meta-heuristic algo rithm. The tool developed for transmission expansion planning is applied to the IEEE 118-bus system and compared with state-of-the-art transmission expansion approaches. Remarkably, the proposed TEP procedure produces solutions that improve system security at comparable expansion costs. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
Electric Power Systems ResearchBand
Seiten / Artikelnummer
Power system; Transmission network; Expansion planning; Cascading failures; Optimization; RiskOrganisationseinheit
09452 - Sansavini, Giovanni / Sansavini, Giovanni
ETH Bibliographie