Bifunctional Malic/Malolactic Enzyme Provides a Novel Mechanism for NADPH-Balancing in Bacillus subtilis
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- Journal Article
The redox cofactor NADPH is required as a reducing equivalent in about 100 anabolic reactions throughout metabolism. To ensure fitness under all conditions, the demand is fulfilled by a few dehydrogenases in central carbon metabolism that reduce NADP+ with electrons derived from the catabolism of nutrients. In the case of Bacillus subtilis growing on glucose, quantitative flux analyses indicate that NADPH production largely exceeds biosynthetic needs, suggesting a hitherto unknown mechanism for NADPH balancing. We investigated the role of the four malic enzymes present in B. subtilis that could bring about a metabolic cycle for transhydrogenation of NADPH into NADH. Using quantitative 13C metabolic flux analysis, we found that isoform YtsJ alone contributes to NADPH balancing in vivo and demonstrated relevant NADPH-oxidizing activity by YtsJ in vitro. To our surprise, we discovered that depending on NADPH, YtsJ switches activity from a pyruvate-producing malic enzyme to a lactate-generating malolactic enzyme. This switch in activity allows YtsJ to adaptively compensate for cellular NADPH over- and underproduction upon demand. Finally, NADPH-dependent bifunctional activity was also detected in the YtsJ homolog in Escherichia coli MaeB. Overall, our study extends the known redox cofactor balancing mechanisms by providing first-time evidence that the type of catalyzed reaction by an enzyme depends on metabolite abundance.
IMPORTANCE A new mechanism for NADPH balancing was discovered in Bacillus subtilis. It pivots on the bifunctional enzyme YtsJ, which is known to catalyze NADP-dependent malate decarboxylation. We found that in the presence of excessive NADPH, the same enzyme switches to malolactic activity and creates a transhydrogenation cycle that ultimately converts NADPH to NADH. This provides a regulated mechanism to immediately adjust NADPH/NADP+ in response to instantaneous needs. Mehr anzeigen
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American Society for MicrobiologyThema
13C metabolic flux analysis; NADPH balance; bifunctional enzyme;
malic enzyme; malolactic enzyme; metabolism; redox metabolismOrganisationseinheit
08839 - Zamboni, Nicola (Tit.-Prof.)