Natural Wood-Based Catalytic Membrane Microreactors for Continuous Hydrogen Generation
The development of controlled processes for continuous hydrogen generation from solid-state storage chemicals such as ammonia borane is central to integrating renewable hydrogen into a clean energy mix. However, to date, most reported platforms operate in batch mode, posing a challenge for controllable hydrogen release, catalyst reusability, and large-scale operation. To address these issues, we developed flow-Through wood-based catalytic microreactors, characterized by inherent natural oriented microchannels. The prepared structured catalysts utilize silver-promoted palladium nanoparticles supported on metal-organic framework (MOF)-coated wood microreactors as the active phase. Catalytic tests demonstrate their highly controllable hydrogen production in continuous mode, and by adjusting the ammonia borane flow and wood species, we reach stable productivities of up to 10.4 cmH23 min-1 cmcat-3. The modular design of the structured catalysts proves readily scalable. Our versatile approach is applicable for other metals and MOF combinations, thus comprising a sustainable and scalable platform for catalytic dehydrogenations and applications in the energy-water nexus. Show more
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ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesVolume
Pages / Article No.
American Chemical SocietySubject
structured catalysts; wood; metal-organic framework; hydrogen generation; flow reactorOrganisational unit
03707 - Zeeman, Samuel C. / Zeeman, Samuel C.
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03917 - Burgert, Ingo / Burgert, Ingo
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